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Sixth Form Subject Options & Entry Requirements

Haberdashers’ Borough Academy is an inner-city state school with a comprehensive intake that fully serves its local community. The overall student roll is 900 students, with 120 places available in the Sixth Form in September 2024. The numbers of Pupil Premium, EAL and Free School Meals pupils are above the national average. 

Sixth Form General Entry Requirements

Haberdashers' Borough Academy Sixth Form operates fair and transparent entry requirements that match individual student attainment with suitable course choices. Our entry requirements are devised based on the statistical probabilities of students being able to access courses of study and succeed in them, as demonstrated by their level of achievement in their GCSEs. 

Our minimum academic entry requirement is for pupils to have 5 GCSE Grades at Grade 5 and above, with Grade 6's desirable in the chosen programme of study. Some courses have additional entry requirements which are shown in the table below.  

Sixth Form Subject Specific Entry Requirements

In addition to meeting the general entry requirements for the chosen pathway of study, students must meet the specific entry requirements for the chosen subject of study as listed below.

A-Level Subjects


GCSE English Language

GCSE Maths 

GCSE requirements 

Other requirements 

Art (Fine Art)  

6 If taken (Art & Design) 

If GCSE art not taken, portfolio of work should be submitted 


6 (Biology)or 66 (Science combined)  



 6 (Chemistry) or 66 (Science combined) 


Computer Science  

If taken 6 (ICT or Computer Science) 





English Literature  

Grade 6 in Literature and Language 



6 (French)  


Further Maths  




6 (Geography) or science and humanities. 



6 (German)  



If taken 6 (History) 






If taken 6 (Music) 

If GCSE Music not taken, evidence of Performance, Composition and Music Theory required 

Grade 5 Theory Advisable 





6 (physics) or 66 (science combined) 








6 if psychology taken 

Grade 5 in GCSE science, Grade 6 in English 

Religious Studies  

If taken 6(Religious Studies)  




If taken 6 (Sociology) 

Grade 6 in GCSE English or other essay writing subject 

Drama and Theatre Studies 

If taken 6 (Drama)  


 Vocational Subjects


GCSE English 

GCSE Maths 

            GCSE requirements  

      Other requirements 

BTEC Art and Design



BTEC Sport Science / PE 


BTEC or GCSE PE desirable 

The subjects are reliant on sufficient numbers wishing to take the course and therefore may change depending on demand.