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Haberdashers' Borough Academy

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Sixth Form Enrichment

Alongside the traditional programme of academic study, we are delighted to offer a comprehensive enrichment programme which will complement the core offer. The activities are structured under four key themes: 

  • Active - Activities will include sports, health and wellbeing. 
  • Community - Activities will include voluntary placements and accredited courses which will support you to make an impact in your local community.  
  • Creative  - Opportunities to engage in the Creative and Performing Arts.  
  • Academic  - Traditional academic societies grounded in the subject disciplines, which complement that programme of study on offer. 

Duke of Edinburgh Award

We are delighted to offer the Gold 'Duke of Edinburgh' award for pupils that wish to join our Sixth Form.  You can learn more about the award scheme here. 


We are pleased to have built powerful partnerships with a range of partners, who enable us to make the most of the Capital as our Classroom.