Policies & Pupil Premium
Borough Academy Policies
The policies listed below are school specific policies and can be accessed by clicking on the links.
- 16-19 bursary fund policy 24
- Anti-Bullying Principles
- Assessment policy
- Borough Academy Uniform Policy
- Borough Accessibility Policy 24-25
- Borough Careers Policy
- Borough ECT Policy
- Borough First Aid Policy
- Borough Homework Policy
- Borough Literacy Policy
- Borough Provider Access Policy
- Child protection Safeguarding Policy 24-25
- Children with Health Needs Policy 2024-2025
- Culture and Behaviour for Learning Policy - 2024-2025
- Curriculum Principles and Guidance
- Draft - Pupil Premium Report 24-25
- Electronic Device Policy 2024-2025
- Haberdashers Borough Academy - Approved admissions policy 2024-2025 - F
- Haberdashers Borough Academy - Draft admissions policy pending DfE Approval - 2023-2024
- Haberdashers Borough Academy Admissions Policy 2025-2026 - Determined by Trustees February 2024
- Haberdashers Borough Attendance and Punctuality Policy
- Medical Policy Secondary
- RSE Policy Principles and Guidance
- Secondary SEND Policy 2024-2025
- SEND Information Report
- Teaching and Learning Principals
- Use of Word Processor Policy
Trust Policies
The following Trust policies are available on the Haberdashers' Academies Trust South website:
- Anti-Bullying Policy Principles and Guidance
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy Principles and Guidance
- Behaviour for Learning Policy Principles and Guidance
- CCTV Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Children Looked After Policy
- Child Protection (Safeguarding) Policy
- Complaints Policy - Externals
- Complaints Policy - Parents
- Complaints Policy - Students
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Curriculum Policy Principles and Guidance
- Data Protection Policy
- Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Equalities Information
- Exams Policy
- Exclusion Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme Guide to Information
- Hardship Fund Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Inclusion Statement
- Intimate Care Policy
- Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
- Medical Policy - Primary
- Medical Policy - Secondary
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- Non Examination Assessment Policy
- Photography and Video Policy
- Professional Learning Trust Policy
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy Principles and Guidance
- SEND Policy - Primary
- Teaching Policy Principles and Guidance
- Trips and Visits Policy (Primary)
- Trips and Visits Policy (Secondary)
- Visitors' Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Working in Partnership with Parents and Carers
Pupil Premium
The Pupil premium grant is available to support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to thrive. This includes those who are entitled to free school meals or who are in local authority care.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low-income and other disadvantaged families and their peers.
How successful schools raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils
- Promote an ethos of attainment for all students, rather than stereotyping disadvantaged students as a group with less potential to succeed.
- Have an individualised approach to addressing barriers to learning and emotional support, rather than providing access to generic support and focusing on students nearing their end-of-key-stage assessments
- Focus on high quality teaching first rather than on bolt-on strategies and activities outside school hours.
- Focus on outcomes for individual students rather than on providing strategies.
- Deploy the best staff to support disadvantaged students; develop skills and roles of teachers and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), rather than using additional staff who do not know the students well.
- Make decisions based on data and respond to evidence, using frequent, rather than one-off assessment and decision points.
- Have clear, responsive leadership: setting ever higher aspirations and devolving responsibility for raising attainment to all staff, rather than accepting low aspirations and variable performance
- Address behaviour and attendance and invest in individualised problem-solving and emotional support.
Our aim for the pupil premium funding
At Borough Academy we strive to raise the attainment of disadvantaged students as part of our commitment to raise academic standards of all our students.
We ensure the quality of teaching for all, ensure that students’ attendance is good and provide behaviour and emotional support to students - as necessary. We make every effort to understand every student as an individual and tailor intervention programmes accordingly. Additionally, we monitor attainment regularly and intervene to address individual learning needs.
Main barriers to achievement
Students entitled to free school meals encompass the full spectrum of needs and backgrounds in the school community, including white and minority pupils, looked after children, most able pupils and those with special educational needs (SEN).Consequently, the barriers and challenges that disadvantaged pupils face can be complex and varied; there is no single difficulty faced by all. Barriers can lie within schools, with learners and their families. Therefore, it is important to analyse where pupils have multiple barriers to learning to ensure a good, deep understanding of children and their families.
Other barriers to achievement can be if students have suffered early trauma and experience on-going attachment issues- this includes students with behavioural development. Some students may have medical conditions which can impact on attendance and thus learning.
How are we planning to spend the money this year and why?
We have set out our plans for how the funding will be spent and the reasons for doing so, in our funding report.
View our 2022-23 Pupil Premium Report
View our 2023-24 Pupil Premium Report
How will the impact be measuredAt Borough Academy we monitor attainment and progress through student progress meetings which will inform next steps for learning, lesson observation, book looks and learning walks.
We then intervene as and when needed to address individual learning needs. The gap between our disadvantaged and all students is low and they are on track with the rest of their peers. Teachers use evidenced based interventions- before and after impact. At Borough Academy we also use end of year tests per subject to gather attainment and progress scores e.g. in Mathematics we use White Rose Assessments twice in the academic year to determine attainment and progress which can be used to further compare attainment and progress measure across the Trust using aligned assessments.
We aim to revise impact on an annual basis at the beginning of each academic year (next review date will be December 2025).
Pupil Premium spend and impact over time
2020 - 2021
Amount Received: £114, 529
Pupils eligible: 158
2021 - 2022
Amount Received: £260,000
Pupils Eligible: 231
2022 - 2023
Amount Received: £330,000
Pupils Eligible: 338 Pupils
2023 - 2024
Amount Received: £437,785
Pupils Eligible: 357 Pupils
For further information, please contact our Pupil Premium Leader Ms. K Muraszko, Assistant Principal.