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Haberdashers' Borough Academy

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Physical Education

 “I'm proud of the way I've dealt with setbacks. It's hard when you feel down and you think, 'Why is the world doing this to me?' But you must pick yourself up again. That's what makes you a better athlete”

Jessica Ennis

Trust Director of Sport and Wellbeing: Mr. Day


Through our broad curriculum at Borough Academy, we aim to help students to foster a lifelong love of sport and physical activity. The PE curriculum aims to develop physical literacy, enabling students to lead a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. PE at Borough is a vehicle to develop social wellbeing and improve positive mental health for all. 

Winning, losing, and taking part creates a sense of sporting community ensuring that we are together, stronger. Through our PE curriculum and varied enrichment programme we encourage our students to be aspirational, develop resilience whilst showing kindness to each other on the playing field.  

Key Stage 3 

Within KS3 we expose our students to a broad and balance curriculum. Our aim is to inspire our students and engage them to develop a love of physical activity and sport. We teach them the fundamental skills which underpin sports performance giving Borough students the autonomy to fulfil a healthy active lifestyle. We also support their holistic development nurturing positive communication, leadership, and teamwork. 

To stretch all our students, we challenge them to engage in competition both in school and within the local and national community. 

Key Stage 4 

Students continue to develop their passion for sport and lifelong participation during core PE. There is an increased focus on tactical knowledge, strategy and roles outside of the performer. As well as this, students are continuing to develop the skills and knowledge needed to lead a healthy balanced lifestyle. Students engage in the local community through leadership development and sporting fixtures. 

Also, at Key Stage 4 students can study the theoretical foundations of academic Physical Education. This is providing students with a greater depth of knowledge and opportunities to apply their love of sport to an accredited qualification.  



Key Stage 3 

When implementing our curriculum intent in Key Stage 3, PE focuses on a broad and balanced curriculum. Students will study invasion games, striking and fielding, net and wall sports, athletics, and aesthetics activities. Aiming to inspire our student and engage them to develop a love of physical activity and sport. 


Within each National Curriculum area, we teach technique in isolation progressing in difficulty throughout key stage 3 to ensure progress. We teach fundamental core skills which underpin all sports such as throwing, catching and effective travel and movement. We also focus on tactical awareness and strategic knowledge to support competitive performance.  

We also give students the theoretical knowledge which underpins sports performance, this helps create a bigger picture for our students to allow them to have the context of theoretical physical performance. We do this through introducing key concepts such as warming up, anatomy and physiology and the components of fitness.  


At Key Stage 3 students get 1 double period of Physical Education per week. Within this time students can master a range of core and advanced skills. Students apply the knowledge of technique and theory in practise and competitive situations. There is the opportunity to perform in both individual and team scenarios, using learnt key skills. Students also learn the importance of peer assessment, working collaboratively and officiating. 


Key Stage 4 

At Key Stage 4 PE progresses our students' knowledge and abilities beyond the Key Stage 3 Curriculum. We develop a deeper understanding of strategies and tactics through similar sporting themes as Key Stage 3. There is a greater focus on participation in Physical Activity and Sport and the importance of movement to lead a healthy active lifestyle. 

Knowledge - Core 

During core PE sessions, we focus on participation. Ensuring students have the relevant understanding of technique, rules and strategies across multiple curriculum areas to support informed choices about a healthy active lifestyle. 

Application - Core 

Students have 1 double period per week. Within these sessions students cover a wide variety of topics including traditional and non-traditional activities. Students apply the knowledge learnt through practise in competitive situations.  

Students also use the knowledge gained by participating in activities such as fitness. Developing a lifelong habit of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Knowledge – Accredited  

At Key Stage 4 our optional examination PE consists of 3 periods per week. Within this time students embed key knowledge and skills of anatomy, physiology, psychology and sociology. They build on the theoretical knowledge learnt at Key Stage 3 and develop a much greater depth of understanding to inform practise. 

Application – Accredited 

Students apply this knowledge through answering examination questions, assessing each other’s practical performance and challenging key concepts. Students evaluate and analyse performance, carryout their own research and debate the barriers to participation. Students apply all the knowledge gained through Key Stage 3 as this underpins all other areas of examination PE. This allows students to see the ‘bigger picture’ with clear context as to why each new piece of learning is required to be successful on the course. 


Key Stage 3 - Key Performance Indicators 

Year 7 

KPI 1: Physical Competency 

Skills / Analysis of performance

KPI 2: Rules, Strategies & Tactics (RST) 

 Decision-making / Theory knowledge

KPI 3: Healthy Participation Fitness level / Healthy lifestyle


KPI 4: Leadership 

Communication / Leadership

Students will develop a sound knowledge of a range of movements that become increasingly sport- and physical activity-specific. They will understand the important role that efficient and effective movement patterns within a physical activity context play in the success and enjoyment of physical activity and sport. Effectively perform a range of actions, skills, and techniques with control, combining them appropriately both in isolation and small group settings. Accurately describes their own and others' performances, using appropriate vocabulary and concepts to identify main strengths and areas for improvement. 

Students will develop a broad knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities. Students will understand that strategic movement requires students to move in accordance with the demands of the context, which is informed by their knowledge of the relevant conventions and conditions of the activity. Students will apply simple principles of play within all game’s contexts and transfer these across sports. They will successfully employ simple tactics or creative processes in practical settings. Understand simple tactics or creative ideas and can communicate those effectively using good verbal and non-verbal skills. 

Students will develop knowledge of safe and effective participation. They will understand that PE plays a vital role in connecting important ideas about health to physical activity. It ensures that students explicitly learn, for example, the ways in which you prepare for safe and effective participation in different activities or the different fitness demands. Demonstrates appropriate strength, stamina, and suppleness across activities, including being able to complete short periods of sustained exercise. Effectively conducts their own safe and well-designed warm-up/cooldown and can describe the purpose and benefits of each. To know and can explain how physical activity contributes to a balanced, healthy lifestyle. 

Leadership is a skill that must be proactively nurtured and practiced. Carefully planned leadership opportunities can promote a positive self-concept and a variety of life skills, such as communication, resilience, and growth mindset. Students will develop a wide set of leadership skills, alongside their knowledge and competence. The relationship between these key attributes will enhance pupil self-efficacy and motivation. Successfully lead a partner in a simple activity showing respect, empathy, and good cooperation skills in doing so. Leads by example in lessons through their enthusiasm and determination to achieve their best and overcome challenges. 


Year 8 

KPI 1: Physical Competency Skills / Analysis of performance

KPI 2: Rules, Strategies & Tactics (RST)  

Decision-making / Theory knowledge


KPI 3: Healthy Participation Fitness level / Healthy lifestyle

KPI 4: Leadership  

Communication / Leadership

Students will develop a good knowledge of a range of movements that become increasingly effective within more difficult sporting situation. They will show a deeper understanding of the role that efficient and effective movement patterns play in the success and enjoyment of physical activity and sport. Students will select, combine, and perform skills with technical proficiency and fluency in response to changing and more complex situations, both in isolation and when put under pressure. Accurately explain and evaluate the effectiveness of their own and/or others’ performances and suggest appropriate improvements. 

Students will develop a sound knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities. Students will understand that clever movement requires students to move in accordance with the demands of the situation, which is informed by their knowledge of the relevant conventions and conditions of the activity. Students will apply more complex principles of play within all game’s contexts and transfer these across sports. Successfully employ a range of more complex tactics or creative processes and adapts them to changing environments. Understand more complex tactics or creative ideas and can communicate those effectively using good verbal and non-verbal skills. 

Students will begin to sustain stamina for longer periods in specific activities and uses different components of fitness to improve their health and wellbeing. Demonstrate good functional knowledge of basic anatomical structures. Accurately explain the importance of nutrition and hydration for either success in sport or general physical and mental well-being.    

 Students develop their ability to lead and motivate others in pairs or team/small group situations demonstrating confidence and good organisational skills. Accurately reflects on progress towards ambitious personal challenges and/or goals in PE and/or leadership.


Year 9 

KPI 1: Physical Competency 

Skills / Analysis of performance

KPI 2: Rules, Strategies & Tactics (RST)  

Decision-making / Theory knowledge

KPI 3: Healthy Participation Fitness level / Healthy lifestyle

KPI 4: Leadership 

Communication / Leadership

Students will develop an advanced knowledge of a range of movements that become increasingly effective within more complex sporting situation. They will show a profound understanding of the role that efficient and effective movement patterns play in the success and enjoyment of physical activity and sport. Show imagination when performing more advanced skills with control, accuracy and fluency in a game situation or performance setting. Accurately analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of their own and/or others’ team/group performances and implements appropriate improvements. 

Students will develop a good knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities. Students will understand that intelligent movement requires students to move in accordance with the demands of the situation, which is informed by their knowledge of the relevant conventions and conditions of the activity. Students will apply increasingly complex principles of play within all game’s contexts and transfer these across sports. Successfully employ advanced decision-making skills in a competitive game situation or to create dynamic routines/sequences. 

Consistently meeting the strenuous exercise demands required for specific activities, combining strength, stamina, suppleness, and speed to excellent effect. Successfully applies a good understanding of the principles of safe and effective training to improve their health and performance. Students will know and be able to explain the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle in the promotion of mental, social, and physical wellbeing 

Confidently undertake leadership and officiating roles showing a good knowledge and application of appropriate rules/laws and effective communication skills. Sensitively adapt activities and develop empathy when leading peers of different abilities and backgrounds so that they are included and supported to succeed. Prove to be an effective role model by applying themselves fully in a range of contexts and showing resilience to overcome setbacks. 


 Curriculum Maps

Year 7 Curriculum Map 


Year 8 Curriculum Map 


Year 9 curriculum Map


Year 10 and 11 Core Curriculum Map


Year 10 and 11 Examination PE Curriculum Map (GCSE – OCR)


Useful Resources

 BBC bitesize – rules and tactics in a range of sports - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zdhs34j  

Top end sports – fitness testing, sporting research - https://www.topendsports.com/ 


Learning Journey

Please click here for KS3-4 Learning Journey