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Year 11

Mock Examinations 

The Year 11 mock examinations will begin on Monday 3rd February 2025 and will last until Friday 28th February 2025

These examinations are an important milestone in the preparation for GCSEs and will give a helpful indication of potential performance this summer. Please see the preparation and logistics for this examination series below. 


Please see the video webinar below where Mr Sills and Ms Muraszko detail these arrangements:



Below is the cohort timetable for the mock examinations taking place. The timetable gives an overview of all subject exams. Between examinations pupils will attend their usual lessons. Class teachers will take a decision as to the best use of that time, in accordance with the exam timetable. It would be helpful if pupils could bring revision materials with them to school each day for forthcoming papers. 

Logistics: We are operating this examination series to reflect the GCSE Examination series this summer. 

Preparations: Pupils have been briefed by teachers on the content that must be revised in preparation for these assessments. You can find the link to the revision booklet here. Please remind pupils to look back to the action plans they completed as part of the parents evening - with their bespoke teacher targets. 

Results and Feedback: The results for this mock examination series are due to be published to pupils in early March. Pupils will have a special results assembly before being issued their reports. 

Wellbeing and Support: We understand that this time can be stressful for pupils, and have provided guidance and support via Tutor Time. If you wish to discuss the specific needs of your child, please contact Mr Sills, Head of Year 11 via email (o.sills@habstrustsouth.org.uk) or alternatively contact your child's Form Tutor.