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Haberdashers' Borough Academy

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In-Year Admissions

An in-year admission is when a student is admitted to the school, outside of the normal secondary transfer period (when a student enters the school from Year 6 into Year 7).  

Southwark Application Form

For all in-year admissions, please follow guidance on the Southwark Council's website here

Southwark Application Form 

If more applications are received than there are places available, the oversubscription criteria for secondary school shall apply. 

We will only contact you if a place becomes available.  We will contact the person at the top of the list to offer them a place at the school, if they reject the place, we move onto the next in line and continue until we have an acceptance.

The Academy participates in Southwark LA’s Fair Access Protocol (FAP) and these children may be prioritised above those other applicants on the in-year waiting list.

If you have any further questions about In-Year Admissions, please contact: 

Borough Admissions:

boroughadmission@habstrustsouth.org.uk or 0203 764 1321