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Admissions Frequently Asked Questions 

BACK: Info for Year 7 Entry in Sept 2024 NEXT: View and download our prospectus  

GENERAL ADMISSIONS: How many places will be offered to applicants in year 7 – September 2024?

There will be 180 places available in year 7 for applicants

GENERAL ADMISSIONS: I would like to apply for a place at the school for my child, what do I have to do?

You will need to name Borough Academy as one of your preferences on your local authority common application form which is known as the (CAF). You will need to name all of the schools that you would like your child to be considered for on the CAF regardless of the local authority that the school is in. 

GENERAL ADMISSIONS: Where can I get the CAF?

The CAF is available on your local authority (which your council tax is paid) website or please go to www.eadmissions.org.uk where you will need to register and complete the CAF.

GENERAL ADMISSIONS: It is my intention to name the school as the first preference on the CAF will this be taken into consideration?

No, only the local authority is aware of the applicant’s preferences, the school considers all applicants under the published admissions criteria.

DISTANCE: What was the furthest distance offer under the distance criterion for September 2023?

1.630 kilometres was the furthest distance place that was offered.

DISTANCE: My child lives with both my partner and myself at different addresses, what address will you consider?

We will consider the child’s main address and this is what you should put on the CAF form. This should be the address where the child is resident for most of the time and the address which is named on other official records (e.g. with the child’s GP) and is shared by the parent who is in receipt of the child benefit or child tax credit.

DISTANCE: My child lives at two addresses, for equal amounts of time, what address should I put on the CAF form?

If the child lives equally at two addresses, the address you should give is the address which is used on other official records (e.g. with the child’s GP) and is shared by the parent who is in receipt of the child benefit or child tax credit.

DISTANCE: I live close to the school OR I know children who live further away from my address who attend the school, does this mean that my child will definitely be offered a place?

No, as all applicants will be considered under the published admissions criteria.

IN-YEAR ADMISSIONS: What if I want to appy for a place outside of the usual admissions process?

The school chooses to participate in Southwark Council's coordinated scheme for in-year admissions.  Applications for places outside the normal round of admissions (in year admissions) will be allocated in accordance with the Code under that scheme, see www.southwark.gov.uk/schooladmissions for more information. In-year applications will be responded to ideally within 10 school days, and within a maximum of 15 school days. In-year applications for Year 7 will be considered on the basis of whether there is a place available within the determined PAN, set out in the admissions policy. In-year applications for all other year groups will be considered on the basis of whether the admission of an additional child could be accommodated without causing prejudice to the efficient provision of education to others and/or the efficient use of resources. The outcome of in-year applications will be notified to parents in writing and, in the event of a refusal, reasons for this will be given, along with details of the statutory right of appeal.

SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: My child has a statement or EHCP, will I need to apply via the CAF?

No, You will need to complete the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) secondary transfer application form which should be available from your local authorities SEND department.

SIBLING CRITERION: I have twins applying for Year 7 entry; if one is offered a place will the other be offered under the sibling criteria?

No the sibling criteria does not take into consideration twins applying at the same time. They will be considered as individuals for year 7 entry.

SIBLING CRITERION: My child has a Foster Sibling at the school?

No, in order to be considered under the sibling criterion your child would have to have an older sibling who is on roll of the secondary school (see definition below):

Pupils who, on the date of admission, will have an older sibling (i.e. a natural brother or sister, or a half brother or sister, or a legally adopted brother or sister or half-brother or sister, or step brother or sister who will be living with them at the same address) on the roll of the secondary school in years 7 - 10. Pupils will be considered under this criterion if they have a sibling who attends the secondary school and who will continue to be on roll when the pupil joins the secondary school. Proof of the sibling relationship will be required if a place is offered. 

SIBLING CRITERION: My child has a sibling at the school will he/she be guaranteed a place?

Only if there are not more siblings than there are places available.

If there are more siblings than places, then the distance criterion will be used as a tie breaker to determine who will be offered the places available. E.g. if there were 3 places available and 4 siblings then the 3 siblings that live closest to the Academy would be offered the places.

SIBLING CRITERION: My child has a sibling at another Haberdashers' Academies Trust South school and I would like to apply for Borough Academy, will they be considered under the sibling criterion?

No they will only be considered under the sibling criterion if they have a sibling on roll of the secondary school that they are applying for.  

MEDICAL AND SOCIAL NEEDS: How do you consider who to offer the medical & social needs places too?

The application will need to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional. “The information should demonstrate why the school is the only school able to meet the child’s specific needs.” A medical and social committee will review the documentation and make a professional decision as to whether the school is the only school able to meet the child’s needs. 

MEDICAL AND SOCIAL NEEDS: Why do I have to provide documentation?

The documents will allow the medical and social committee to make an informed decision as to whether the Academy is the only school able to meet the child’s needs.